La Repubblica – Michele Colaninno nominato vice presidente dell’ACEM

Michele Colaninno nominato vice presidente dell’Acem. Dal prossimo luglio l’Ad e direttore generale di Immsi Spa ricoprirà la carica nell’ambito dell’Association des constructeurs européens de motocycles, l’associazione europea dell’industria motociclistica costituita da tutti i Gruppi mondiali delle due ruote… Continue reading in La Repubblica. Link to the article La Repubblica – Michele Colaninno nominato vice […]

The European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers elects new top management

The European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers (ACEM) has elected a new leadership team during its 2017 Spring Congress celebrated in Berlin. Mr Stefan Pierer, CEO of KTM AG, will become President of ACEM as of 1 July 2017. He will succeed Mr Stephan Schaller, President of BMW Motorrad, who will start serving as Vice-President of […]