About 300 motorcyclist improved their riding skills thanks to ANESDOR and the Catalan Traffic Service

On 25 November 2015 ANESDOR and the Catalan Traffic Service, Servei Català de Trànsit, completed the first round of Formació 3.0., a training programme that aims at improving motorcyclists’ riding skills in different parts of Spain.

Helping riders to improve their skills

A total of 287 motorcyclists participated in the first 7 sessions of Formació 3.0. This training programme allowed motorcyclists to practice their riding skills on some of the more popular back roads in the provinces of Barcelona, Girona, Lleida and Tarragona.

All riding sessions were video-recorded, shown to participants and analysed. Motorcyclists received detailed and tailored feedback from specialist motorcycle trainers and members of the regional Catalonian police, the Mossos d’Esquadra.

Some of the areas where further improvement for riders was needed included: braking techniques, cornering speed, use of available space on the road, vehicle maintenance, and anticipation of possible dangerous situations on the road.

A joint initiative between ANESDOR and the Catalan Traffic Service

Formació 3.0 is a joint initiative between ANESDOR and the Catalan Traffic Service (SCT).

It is also part of ACEM’s efforts to enhance cooperation between national administrations, vehicle users and industry representatives to improve motorcycling safety across Europe.

Formació 3.0 training sessions were funded by the SCT.


Commenting on the training programme, ANESDOR’s Secretary General, José María Riaño, said: “Thanks to this program hundreds of motorists had an excellent opportunity to improve their riding skills in a setting where they ride frequently during the weekends: the back roads of the Catalan country side”.

“Advanced training for motorcyclists is essential to prevent riding mistakes and to reduce the possibility of a fatal accident”.

The Director of the Catalan Traffic Service, Eugenia Domenech, said: “We want this programme to become a tool to help motorcyclists to improve their riding techniques and their safety on the roads, whilst enjoying a safe ride”.

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ANESDOR is the industry association that represents the interests of the powered-two and three-wheeler industry in Spain. The association, which was founded in 1954, brings together vehicle manufacturers and importers, as well as companies that manufacture vehicle parts and components.
