Rising role of motorcyclists at the European Road Safety Charter

Brussels (Belgium) | 18 September 2024

Improving riding conditions and the development of a safer environment are core elements for users and manufacturers in the motorcycling sector.

To highlight specific elements of the ACEM safety strategy, our Safety Manager Dr. Veneta Vassileva has participated in a panel organised by the European Road Safety Charter to describe two important industry activities focusing on the rider’s training and education and the development of advanced safety technologies.

The “European Motorcycle Training Quality Label” represents a successful initiative across various member states. Concretely, the project is focusing on helping riders to identify the best post-license safety orientated training programmes in their countries. The Label received the Road Safety Charter Award, in the category “voluntary commitments”.  The European Transport Safety Council joined the Label consortium as well as a supporter member.

In parallel, the motorcycling sector is also benefiting from innovation and new safety features. Our manufacturers develop cutting-edge vehicle safety technologies that can help prevent accidents and contribute to collision reduction by supporting the riders in critical situations. In addition, the industry sees “digital conspicuity”, warning drivers and riders about critical safety situations, as a technology with a high potential to improve riders’ safety.  The sector through the Connected Motorcycle Consortium is working towards integrating PTWs into the future landscape of connected mobility.


During the webinar, Dr. Veneta Vassileva commented “Since riders are vulnerable road users, the support from the European Road Safety Charter is fundamental. During today’s webinar, it was important to exchange on the latest best practices creating safer riding conditions in roads and cities for almost 40 million motorcycles. The motorcycle industry looks forward to continuing this cooperation with public institutions and other stakeholders”.

For further information, please contact:

Dr. Veneta Vassileva, Safety Manager, ACEM
[email protected]