ACEM, ACEA, FuelsEurope and UPEI urge Member States to incorporate new standards for fuel identifiers

The Motorcycle Industry in Europe (ACEM), the European Association of Automobile Manufacturers (ACEA), the Union Pétrolière Européenne Indépendante (UPEI) and FuelsEurope have issued a joint letter asking EU Member States to plan their legislation transposing the EU Directive on Alternative Fuel Infrastructure (DAFI) to take into account the national standards for fuel identifiers that are currently being developed at national level.

These new standards, which will be based on the recently adopted CEN standard EN 16942, will provide for common fuel identifiers that will be placed on new vehicles and fuel pumps. This will allow consumers to know which fuels can be used to refill their vehicles at all filling stations across Europe. The European Commission has already informed national authorities that the new standards must be applied for all new vehicles and fuel pumps as of 12 October 2018.

ACEM, ACEA, UPEI and FuelsEurope will organise common communication activities to inform customers about the new fuel identifiers, and welcome the participations in this initiative of organisations representing European consumers and drivers.

Documents available to download

Joint letter – Implementation of article 7 of the DAFI [pdf]