4th ACEM Conference: “Shaping the future: challenges and opportunities for the future of motorcycling”

ACEM event

Powered Two-Wheelers and Urban Mobility

The European Commission’s new Green Paper “Towards a new culture for urban mobility” acknowledges the growing amount of traffic on urban roads and urges policy makers to consider all mobility tools available.

For many urban trips powered two-wheelers are an alternative to the use of cars, providing citizens and businesses with improved mobility and accessibility in cities. They free space and complement public transport, thus successfully integrating urban traffic plans. How to achieve free-flowing mobility while at the same time reducing congestion, pollution and accidents is a challenge ACEM is determined to pursue together with EU legislators, city authorities and citizens organisations.

An exhibition of powered two-wheelers urban solutions and manufacturers’ innovations will take place during the walking lunch and at the end of the conference.


Opening of registration and of “Urban Solutions and Innovations”exhibition

12:00 to 12:45
Walking lunch in the “Urban Solutions and Innovations”exhibition area

12:45 to 14:15
Conference presentations

14:15 to 14:30
Discussion and Conclusions

14:30 to 15:00
Coffee in the “Urban Solutions and Innovations”exhibition area

Closing of event


Mr Malcolm Harbour, MEP – Chair/moderator

Stefan Pierer, President, ACEM, Welcome and introductory speech

Mr Zoltan Kazatsay, Deputy Director General, Directorate-General Transport and Energy, European Commission – “The European Commission Green Paper on Urban Transport – What is at stake for Powered Two-Wheelers?”

Mr Jacques Compagne, Secretary General, ACEM – “Improving urban mobility: the PTW contribution, current ACEM initiatives and vision for the future”

Bertrand-Olivier Ducreux, ADEME – “Mobility and Environment: Presentation of the ADEME study comparing PTWs and cars in Paris”

Fabio Nussio, ATAC/POLIS – “Mobility and Safety: the European Urban Road Safety Observatory and the role of PTWs in Rome”

Malcolm Harbour and Stefan Pierer will moderate the discussion following the speeches