ACEM Memorandum of Understanding on Intelligent Transport Systems


In the years ahead, further technological breakthroughs will come through innovative intelligent transport systems (ITS), which will allow vehicles to interact with each other and with surrounding infrastructure.

Some ITS devices have already been successfully introduced on the market by ACEM members. Moreover, the motorcycle industry is engaged in in-house R&D activities and actively participates in EU research projects on cooperative ITS.

Examples of ITS applications include: collision prevention devices, emergency notification systems and road traffic management systems.

ACEM memorandum of understanding on ITS

An important step towards the deployment of ITS was taken in March 2014, when the motorcycle industry adopted a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperative ITS.

The objective of this Memorandum is to accelerate and coordinate the deployment of safetyrelevant cooperative ITS on PTWs in Europe.

By signing this Memorandum ACEM manufacturing members agreed to initiate the deployment of safety-relevant cooperative ITS and committed to have at least one of their models available for sale with a cooperative ITS application available either as standard equipment or as optional equipment by 2020.

Towards an eCall system for motorcycles

eCall technology allows for an emergency call to be made, either automatically or manually from a crashed vehicle, inmmediately after a road collussion has occurred. The technology is already available in some cars, and the motorcycle industry has started research into how an embedded eCall system could work on motorcycles.

The minimum technical requirements needed for such a system have already been defined and research activities are ongoing in order to address the technical challenges of the system.

Documents available to download

ACEM road safety strategy – Intelligent transport systems [0.98 MB]

ACEM memorandum of understanding on ITS [0.16 MB]

ACEM presentation – motorcycle industry’s approach to ITS [0.68 MB]

ACEM presentation – motorcycle dynamics [1.26 MB]