FIM joins the European Training Quality Label to promote better motorcycle training

Today, FIM, the International Motorcycling Federation, joined the European Training Quality Label, an initiative aiming at rewarding the best post-license training schemes in Europe. Representatives of FIM, the European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers (ACEM), and DVR, Germany’s most important road safety NGO, signed a letter formalising this new cooperation during the second day of the International Motorcycle Safety Conference in Cologne, Germany.

The European Training Quality Label that FIM joins today is a voluntary certification scheme launched in 2015 by ACEM, the European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers and DVR, the leading German road safety NGO, to help motorcyclists clearly and easily identify high-quality post-license training programs in Europe. The label is open to a wide range of organisations based in Europe, including training schools, motorcycle manufacturers and public bodies. To date, a total of 26 post-license motorcycle training programs have been certified in France, the Netherlands, Austria and Germany. 

FIM is the leading governing body of motorcycle sports, and represents 113 motorcycle federations organised in 6 Continental Unions. FIM has been active in the field of road safety since the 1970s, and many of its members have provided safety-oriented training to thousands of motorcyclists across the world. More recently, the organisation launched “We, the riders”, a global road safety campaign aimed at raising awareness about the presence of motorcyclists on the streets.

Steve Aeschlimann, Chief Executive Officer of FIM, says, “We welcome the opportunity to work together with ACEM and DVR and to become a partner of the European Training Quality Label. We at FIM believe that life-long training is essential to improve the safety of motorcyclists on the streets. Many people pass their driving test only once, but they ride their motorcycle daily. We want those motorcyclists to have decent training and to be able to avoid potentially dangerous situations on the streets”. 

Antonio Perlot, Secretary General of the European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers (ACEM), says, “We are extremely pleased that FIM is joining the ACEM-DVR cooperation. We look forward to working with FIM to promote the best post-license training programs across Europe, and to make Europe’s roads better and safer for all motorcyclists”.

Christian Kellner, General Manager of the Road Safety Council (DVR), says, “The human factor has repeatedly been shown to be the most critical factor in accidents involving powered two-wheelers. For this reason, we need to reach out to new and existing motorcycle riders, and help them to make better and more informed decisions about their training, so that they can ride confidently and safely”.

Press contact

Dr. Veneta Vassileva

ACEM Road Safety Coordinator

Email [email protected]

Phone +32 (0)22 30 97 32

Documents available to download 

PRESS RELEASE – FIM joins the European Training Quality Label to promote better motorcycle training [pdf]

COMMUNIQUE DE PRESSE – La FIM rejoint le European Training Quality Label pour promouvoir une meilleure formation pour motocyclistes [pdf]

COMUNICATO STAMPA – La FIM collabora con il Label europeo per la qualità della formazione per promuovere una migliore formazione motociclistica [pdf]

PRESSEMITTEILUNG – Besseres Training für Motorradfahrer FIM unterstützt Europäisches Qualitätssiegel [pdf]

COMUNICADO DE PRENSA – FIM se suma al sello de calidad europeo de formación para promocionar una mejor capacitación de conducción de motocicletas [pdf]

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