8th ACEM Annual Conference: Innovating our mobility Smaller, lighter, more specialised vehicles

8th ACEM conference

Tuesday, 24 January 2012
Residence Palace, Rue de la Loi 155, Brussels

Innovating our mobility Smaller, lighter, more specialised vehicles

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Mobility is becoming a challenge for an increasing number of European citizens. Faced with a growing demand for flexible, convenient and affordable transport, administrations are striving to find solutions, compatible with stricter than ever budgetary constraints.

Does the solution entail supporting one mode at the expense of others? Or rather, does it lie in the deployment of all private and public transport tools? Perhaps more pragmatically, innovative mobility should be about enabling transport users to make their choice, based on objective and reliable information, and planning their journeys according to their specific needs. This may involve resorting to different modes within one single journey, or to different vehicles for different journeys. As a way to tackle congestion and support efficient use of resources, in its comprehensive strategy to a single European transport system the European Commission encourages “the use of smaller, lighter and more specialised road passenger vehicles” leading to a “substantial contribution in reducing the carbon intensity of urban transport while providing a test bed for new technologies and opportunity for early market deployment”.

L-category vehicles, such as mopeds, motorcycles, tricycles and quadricycles, widen the transport offer in their own right and as part of a true co-modal approach to mobility. Policy makers looking to meet citizens’ expectations need to exploit every available tool. Smart individual mobility can contribute to change our transport paradigm, through innovation. Quality of life depends on our capacity of innovating our mobility.

The ACEM Annual Conference provides the opportunity to have an overview of the motorcycle sector, and engage policymakers, stakeholders and company managers in productive discussions – so that current challenges may be turned into opportunities.

  • Welcome/Introduction
    Hendrik von Kuenheim, ACEM President
  • Presentation, “Innovating our mobility. L-category vehicles: smaller, lighter, more specialised” by Jacques Compagne, ACEM Secretary General
  • Presentation of the research paper “Commuting by Motorcycle, an impact analysis” by Isaak Yperman, researcher Transport & Mobility Leuven
  • Presentation of the MU Mobility Project
    by Coralie Henry-Poppe PSA Peugeot Citroën in charge of Mobility Strategy

Panel discussion with the speakers and:
Inés Ayala Sender MEP, Member of the Transport Committee,
Paul Verhoef, Head of Unit Research and Innovative Transport Systems, DG Move, European Commission,

Q&A with the audience

The event will be moderated by Sylvain Haon, Secretary General of Polis

Watch the presentations