18/12/14. Upcoming event: workshop on vulnerable road users and ITS

eCallOn 13 January 2015 the iMobility Forum will organise a forum on vulnerable road users and ITS technologies designed for riders. The event will cover the specifics of riding powered-two wheelers, how cooperative ITS applications can improve safety for riders and recent developments in protective equipment, among others. 

eCallOn 13 January 2015 the iMobility Forum will organise a forum on vulnerable road users and ITS technologies designed for riders.

The event will cover the specifics of riding powered-two wheelers, how cooperative ITS applications can improve safety for riders and recent developments in protective equipment, among others. During the event ACEM will be presenting The Safe ride to the future, its new road safety strategy.

A round-table discussion will offer participants the opportunity to exchange views with industry representatives, members of users’ organisations, researchers and Commission officials from DG CONNECT, DG MOVE and DG RESEARCH (tbc). 

The event will take place in ERTICO premises: Avenue Louise 326, 1050 Bruxelles. The agenda of the event is available here.

Please bear in mind that participation is free but seats are limited. To register to this event please click here.



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European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers

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